If you’re interested in knowing how to fully take care of your shoes, StyleForum member Nutcracker has kindly taken the time to translate and upload a few helpful pages from Men’s Ex’s (a popular Japanese menswear magazine, for those unfamiliar). This is from their special issue on shoe maintenance, and this particular section shows the shoe polishing methods of two professional shoeshiners in Japan – Hasegawa Yuya from Brift H and Matsumuro Shiniricho from Maestro.
Granted, I think the tutorial makes the process seem a bit more complicated than it needs to be. Ninety percent of what you need to know about proper shoe care is covered by Jesse in our first season’s episode on shoes. However, if you’d like to go a bit further, these pages show you how to do things such as take care of your sole edges, strip down wax buildup, and give your shoes a bullshine. You can enlarge the images by opening them in a new window (on my Mac, I just put my mouse over the image and hit “Open Link in New Window”).