I’ve been giving an occasional lecture called Make Your Thing for the past couple years. It focuses on twelve independent creators who I really admire, and how they turned what they love into brilliant careers. Among the folks I talk about are Killer Mike, Kate Beaton and Jonathan Coulton – it’s a diverse group.
At the invitation of my friend Jay Allison, I’ve written an article on the subject for Transom.org, a community of public radio makers. It’s really an honor to join the ranks of past Transom writers like Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad, and it was a pleasure to write the piece. I managed to crash Transom for a while with traffic earlier today, but they’ve adjusted, and I think it’s safe to read the article now.
(Above: me, backstage at one of the first Make Your Thing talks, in San Francisco, with the beautiful Mrs. Thorn. Photo by Merlin Mann.)