If you’re in Southern California, you might be interested in a workshop happening at the French General, a speciality shop in Los Angeles selling new and vintage crafting supplies. The owner of the store, Kaari Meng, will be teaching people about indigo dyeing and shibori – a Japanese method of tying and binding fabrics so that they result in the beautiful patterns you see above. Tickets are $85 and all materials will be supplied, although you’re welcome to bring things from home if you want to dye specific items (maybe a pair of canvas sneakers?). At the workshop, you’ll be learning how to prepare vats of indigo, how to dye things, and of course the Japanese method of tie-dye.
Note, there are only four spaces left for this event, as French General tries to keep their workshops limited to sixteen people. If you miss out, know that they hold events every weekend. The ones on shibori and indigo happen about once every three months, and this October, they’ll be holding a darning workshop with Luke Deverell from Darn & Dusted. You can stay up-to-date with their event schedule by visiting their website or emailing them at notions@frenchgeneral.com and asking to be put on their email list.