Put This On was started in 2009 by Jesse Thorn. What began as a series of crowd-funded webisodes, which developed over the course of two seasons, has become one of the most widely read sites on men’s style. We focus on classic men’s clothing without being stuffy about the rules. We aim to help men build better wardrobes on a budget. Most of all, we talk about how clothes affect our daily lives—what our choices say to people, how to dress for every occasion, and how clothes fit into broader cultural issues.
If you’re new to our site, we encourage you to start with our basic guides, which answer some frequently asked questions and help you through the process of building the wardrobe you want. You can also still watch our webisodes online. They cover everything from denim to grooming, and they’ll take you around the world as we search for the most stylish city. Additionally, our site’s main page has daily updates on men’s style and the culture around it. We also feature weekly eBay roundups and have a subscribers’ only newsletter linking readers to the best deals.
Note that we are a member of eBay’s Partner Network and use eBay’s affiliate links. This means we get a small percentage of each sale if you end up buying something from eBay, but this doesn’t affect our decision on which things to list (although we do encourage second-hand shopping, especially on eBay, where there are many deals). The profits we earn from eBay’s Partner Network help keep this site going.