September 5, 2011
28% Of The Way There!
Since we launched our Kickstarter campaign on the first, we’ve garnered over 430 supporters, and made it past 28% of…
September 5, 2011
The Pasadena City College Flea Market
Yesterday, I made a trip out to the Pasadena City College flea market here in Southern California. Above: the spoils…
September 5, 2011
The T-Shirt Outfit
When it comes to casual clothing, I’m a big advocate of simplification. When it’s Sunday and I’m not getting dressed…
September 5, 2011
My Father-in-law Has Worked At Hardware Stores All Of His Adult Life
My father-in-law has worked at hardware stores all of his adult life, and in my wife’s family, they’ve always carried…
September 5, 2011
Video’s A Wonderful Medium For Street Style
Daniel Goodbaum sent me this video he shot last month in his hometown, Toronto. Video’s a wonderful medium for street…
September 5, 2011
Hoody In Gray And Some Chinos
philosophyofthewellfed: Nabbed this hoody in gray and some chinos today… I might have Sartorio’s in my closet but I love…
September 4, 2011
Neither Fish Nor Fowl: The Trouble With “Online Custom” Tailoring
Neither Fish Nor Fowl: The Trouble with “Online Custom” Tailoring
September 2, 2011
Clothing Labels Printed August 22nd, 2011
Clothing labels printed August 22nd, 2011 by Worldwide Label.
September 2, 2011
da-i-net: post #11290 SF.net/WAYWRN A lot of folks write to me and ask about pattern mixing. Using multiple patterns can…
September 2, 2011
EBay Round Up
In addition to today’s eBay links, note that J Hilburn is having a sale on their scarves, sweaters, and jackets….
September 1, 2011
Kickstart Put This On Season Two!
https://ksr-video.imgix.net/projects/47522/video-51919-h264_high.mp4 Put This On is a web series about dressing like a grown-up. In our first series, we took on…
September 1, 2011
PTO Cities: The Results Are In
Thanks to the thousands of people who participated in every round of our PTO Cities bracket to determine the greatest…
August 31, 2011
Put This On Season Two: Our Kickstarter Begins Tomorrow
After much discussion, we’ve decided to fund season two of Put This On through Kickstarter. We want to do Season…
August 31, 2011
PTO Cities: The Grand Finale
Only one city can be the greatest men’s style city in the world. Will it be London or New York?…