April 6, 2011
Put This On Chicago Meetup
I’ll be in Chicago next week for two shows at the Second City – The Sound of Young America on…
April 6, 2011
“Pete Rose-y.”
I think the only way to perfectly describe the way Pete Rose’s outfit above combines the spirit of the late…
April 6, 2011
The Dieter Rams Is Strong In This One
I’ve spoken out against expensive watches with quartz movements, but I’m making an exception for this $180 beauty from Braun….
April 6, 2011
I’m Not The Only One Who’s Passionate About Personal Grooming
I’m not the only one who’s passionate about personal grooming. There’s also one Sterling Archer, codename: “Duchess.” (Thanks RQT) (Source:…
April 6, 2011
Pointy Super Boots
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEiMA3QtYWc I’m trying to decide whether pointy super boots are one of the most amazing things ever, or simply the…
April 6, 2011
Use The Brannock!
You think you know your shoe size, but I think you don’t. Every shoe is different. Not just brand to…
April 6, 2011
It’s On EBay – Polo Ralph Lauren Oxfords (11UK)
This is the kind of simple, classic, high-quality shoe that’s worth spending $300 on. Buy a pair like this every…
April 6, 2011
Regarding Your Q&A About Slimming Wide Lapels… maybe This Is Supposed To Be Intuitive, But Can A Slim Lapel Be Widened Then?
Only if you pull real hard.
April 5, 2011
Matt Haughey Says This Scene From Joe Vs. The Volcano Strikes Him As PTO-ish
Our pal Matt Haughey says this scene from Joe vs. the Volcano strikes him as PTO-ish. Ossie Davis teaches Tom…
April 5, 2011
Caring For Your Clothes, The Thrifty Way
Caring for your clothes, the Thrifty way, at The Thrifty Gent.
April 4, 2011
Q And Answer: Can Wide Lapels Be Slimmed?
DT asks: Is it possible to have wide lapels slimmed? The answer to this question, generally speaking, is yes. That…
April 4, 2011
Wonderful Roundup Of Lapel Ornamentation At Die Workwear
There’s a wonderful roundup of lapel ornamentation at Die Workwear, including the above option, adapted from Germanic hat decoration. A…
April 4, 2011
Sherlock Holmes To Dr. Watson, In “A Case Of Identity”
You did not know where to look, and so you missed all that was important. I can never bring you…
April 3, 2011
SPOTTED! At Sports Partner In Bonn, Germany By Reader Daniel
Our German lawyer is on the case. (We had previously retained him to litigate the difference between streudel and streusel,…