January 6, 2011
Adam Made A Video For Airbnb
Adam made a video for Airbnb. He traveled to different locations, all of which were actual places you can book…
January 6, 2011
On Opera Pumps: Pumps Were Invented For Men By Men. There Were Worn From At Least The Time Of Louis The XIV Until The Mid-19th Century By Men And Men Exclusively. There’s Even References To Men’s Pumps In “Taming Of The Shrew” And “Midsummer Night’s Dream”. Ladies Learned A Long Time Ago That Just Because A Man Does It, Doesn’t Mean They Can’t Do It Either. It’s About Time Men Learned The Same Lesson. Grow Up People.
Hear, hear. Frankly, most people who think they’re too feminine have never seen them in practice. The reality is that…
January 6, 2011
Breaking: Tim Duncan Announces Shoe Deal With Florsheim
Breaking: Tim Duncan Announces Shoe Deal With Florsheim
January 6, 2011
So, I Saw You In A Small Segment On The IFC Channel (if I Remember Correctly) And It Got Me Wondering…what All Kinds Of Things Do You Involve Yourself In? Other Than This Blog That I Like So Much, Of Course.
For about ten years now, I’ve been hosting and producing a public radio show called The Sound of Young America….
January 6, 2011
On Opera Pumps: Pumps Were Invented For Men By Men. There Were Worn From At Least The Time Of Louis The XIV Until The Mid-19th Century By Men And Men Exclusively. There’s Even References To Men’s Pumps In “Taming Of The Shrew” And “Midsummer Night’s Dream”. Ladies Learned A Long Time Ago That Just Because A Man Does It, Doesn’t Mean They Can’t Do It Either. It’s About Time Men Learned The Same Lesson. Grow Up People.
Here, here. Frankly, most people who think they’re too feminine have never seen them in practice. The reality is that…
January 6, 2011
Bare-knuckle Boxer
Bare-knuckle boxer Tom Cribb, getting ready to kick your ass in shoes with bows on them.
January 5, 2011
It’s On Sale: Caruso Suit (Size 54E – 42-44 US)
One note: while I heartily endorse this fine suit, I do not endorse the awful Yoox styling in the photo….
January 5, 2011
Q And Answer: When Should I Wear A Pocket Watch?
A straw man asks: When is a good time to wear a pocket watch? 1922.
January 5, 2011
Q And Answer: What Men’s Watch Should I Wear?
Trevor asks: Can you outline what kind of watches are appropriate for what occasions? Surely everything comes down to preference…
January 5, 2011
Do You Know?
Terry emailed me, wondering why Paul McCartney has been going around with only his bottom button done. I, frankly, have…
January 5, 2011
Q And Answer: What To Wear To A Funeral?
DTC asks: Funerals often get mentioned as a slam against the black suit. However, what is appropriate wear for a…
January 4, 2011
Q And Answer: Why Are There Two Buttons On My Cuff?
Alejandro writes: What’s the deal with the extra button on shirt cuffs? I’d always assumed that it was so people…
January 4, 2011
Did A Lot Of Thrifting Over The Weekend
Did a lot of thrifting over the weekend, and despite my bold declarations, didn’t come home with a lot. Did…
January 4, 2011
An Interview With The Curator Of The Hat Museum
An interview with the curator of The Hat Museum Tons of fascinating info on the history of hats, especially for…
January 3, 2011
It’s On Sale: J.L. Powell Lakenheath Quilted Coat
Your chance to jump on the quilted blazer bandwagon at an affordable price point. $179, originally $448 at JLPowell.com