January 5, 2013
Artist/Rebel/Dandy: Men Of Fashion
I’m very excited that the Museum of the Rhode Island School of Design is planning a menswear exhibition for this…
January 5, 2013
There’s A New Trend In Silicon Valley: “Formal Fridays
WSJ says there’s a new trend in Silicon Valley: “Formal Fridays.”
January 5, 2013
Wingtip’s Blog Interviewed Me About Pocket Squares
Wingtip’s blog interviewed me about pocket squares and the Gentlemen’s Association. You can read the results – including where we…
January 4, 2013
We Got It For Free: RHA Headphones
We don’t usually review tech gear here at PTO, but the British electronics maker RHA saw a post I wrote…
January 3, 2013
[PTO] Changed The Way I Viewed Menswear
Needless to say, [PTO] changed the way I viewed menswear. The message that clothes are important never sank in until…
January 1, 2013
For Your New Year’s Enjoyment
jessethorn: Here’s the 2012 edition of Bullseye’s annual Best Comedy special. We listened to one bajillion comedy albums, and bring…
December 31, 2012
StyleForum’s Year-end Charity Auction
We were delighted to participate in StyleForum’s year-end charity auction. We added two of our squares to a lot that…
December 31, 2012
NPR: Why Black Men Tend To Be Fashion Kings
NPR: Why Black Men Tend to be Fashion Kings NPR’s Michelle Martin talks to Monica L. Miller, author of Slaves…
December 30, 2012
International Waters
Here’s the best of the first year of my comedy game show International Waters. Every month, a team of comics…
December 30, 2012
All I Need To Be Happy
All I need to be happy is a good book, warm fire, delicious food, close friends, HDTV, designer jeans, yoga,…
December 29, 2012
Look For The Green Floor
While we’re on the subject of my mom and San Francisco… she’s recently added a lot of both men’s and…
December 29, 2012
Join The Gentlemen’s Association
Our thanks to everyone who stopped by our sale at Wingtip in San Francisco on Boxing Day. My mother and…
December 29, 2012
The Only Man Who Behaved Sensibly Was My Tailor
The only man who behaved sensibly was my tailor; he took my measurement anew every time he saw me, while…
December 28, 2012
It’s Cold In Narragansett
I agree with all of the below, though I’d note that if I recall correctly, they close in the depths…
December 28, 2012
We’re Excited To See Where This Leads
Whenever we post a picture of Rob, a teacher from Brooklyn, we get a flood of emails from guys who…