February 9, 2012
Starting To Get Reports Of Gentlemen’s Association Squares
Starting to get reports of Gentlemen’s Association squares from our second round of production arriving. These ones are made of…
February 9, 2012
Q And Answer: The Partially-Lined Blazer
Layton writes: I recently bought a Paul Stuart tweed blazer on eBay. I’m happy with the way it looks on…
February 8, 2012
We Could All Look Silly And Disheveled, Or Dull And Boring
We could all look silly and disheveled, or dull and boring. Some men choose not to. G. Bruce Boyer (via…
February 7, 2012
Some Word Association
dcpierson: “Hey, what does the word ‘impulsive’ mean to you?” “‘Selfish and irresponsible.’” “Okay. What about the phrase ‘I want…
February 7, 2012
Get More From PTO!
In case you haven’t been paying attention, there are two great ways to get more from Put This On. The…
February 7, 2012
EBay Round Up
Jesse, Kenn, and I found some great items yesterday. Included are some Drake’s ties, nice pocket squares, and a pair of…
February 6, 2012
Q And Answer: Can I Repair Frayed Shirt Collars And Cuffs?
David asks: I do a lot of thrifting button-down shirts. Sometimes I’ll get attached to a shirt even if it’s…
February 4, 2012
Interested In Contributing To Put This On?
If you’re interested in contributing to Put This On, either on an occasional or continuing basis, drop us a line….
February 3, 2012
EBay Round Up
Although it’s well outside of most people’s financial means, that gentleman’s travel case is something to behold. Go check it out. We…
February 2, 2012
voxsart: Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte, Washington, D.C. I’m inclined to call their style “unimpeachable.”
February 2, 2012
Bill Cunningham Jacket
edwinhu: That Bill Cunningham jacket by Beams+. What could better celebrate the most democratic (only democratic?) man in fashion than…