February 1, 2012
Our London Team
A nice guy at Richmond Park asked “do you mind if I take a picture of the photographers in the…
February 1, 2012
You F*ckers, I’m Back
It’s 5 AM in Los Angeles, but I’m up and at ‘em, thanks to the effects of jetlag. I’m finally…
February 1, 2012
Molloy & Sons Have Gotten Some Stock Together For Retail Sale
Just saw a note over on StyleForum that our friends Kieran & Shaun Molloy at Molloy & Sons have gotten…
February 1, 2012
Roundup Of “30 Must-See Tumblr Blogs!”
Our thanks to Time’s NewsFeed for including us in their roundup of “30 Must-See Tumblr Blogs!” As producers Jesse Thorn…
January 31, 2012
EBay Round Up
Check out these eBay auctions Jesse and I found. I personally like the Smythson travel photo frames, Cucinelli quarter zip, and Brooks…
January 29, 2012
Randy Newman’s “A Few Words In Defense Of Our Country.”
In honor of our last day in Europe, here’s an all-time favorite: Randy Newman’s “A Few Words In Defense of…
January 28, 2012
That’s A Wrap!
After two long weeks of traveling and shooting, we’re wrapped on season two of Put This On. Our special thanks…
January 27, 2012
EBay Round Up
eBay has been a bit slim this week, but here are a few auctions for you to consider. Should you…
January 25, 2012
O’Mast Screening In London – 2nd Of Feburary
thearmoury: Presented in conjunction with B.B. Esquire, covering the best of London. Gianluca, the director of O’Mast, will be in…
January 24, 2012
Zac Wolf Was Kind Enough To Stop By Our Shoot In New York City
The very talented Zac Wolf was kind enough to stop by our shoot in New York City his past week…
January 24, 2012
EBay Round Up
Kenn and I found some nice things yesterday. Also, I’m in Naples right now and just visited some neckwear companies….
January 22, 2012
Emergency Travel Supplies: Cuff Links And Collar Stays
I’m not the kind of guy who travels with a lot of crap. My dopp kit has some shaving oil,…
January 21, 2012
Dallas Penn Adjusts A Few Of The 1000+ Pieces In His Polo Collection
Dallas Penn adjusts a few of the 1000+ pieces in his Polo collection before our interview for Put This On…