December 28, 2011
Party Hearty
voxsart: Many, many parties: Brooks Brothers patent pumps from 1938, in the collection of the Los Angeles County Museum of…
December 28, 2011
Ties For Hunger
Ties For Hunger Buy a vintage tie, and all the money goes to food banks.
December 28, 2011
An Amazing Year Here
We’re getting our first reports from the field of collar cards arriving at donors’ homes, narrowly beating our “early 2012”…
December 27, 2011
EBay Round Up
Happy holidays everyone! As always, if there isn’t enough eBay goodness for you on our list, sign up for an…
December 26, 2011
The Best Comedy Of 2011 Special
The Best Comedy of 2011 Special Next week, my public radio show The Sound of Young America will become Bullseye…
December 26, 2011
Be Yourself – But Don’t Be Conspicuous
Be yourself – but don’t be conspicuous. Fred Astaire’s style philosophy
December 25, 2011
I Once Wore Black Tie To A “gala” Theater Opening
I once wore black tie to a “gala” theater opening, and literally four different people asked if my wife and…
December 25, 2011
My Holiday Special Is Now Available As A Podcast
daveshumka: UPDATE: My holiday special is now available as a podcast for download or on iTunes. I recommend iTunes because…
December 24, 2011
Heavy Tweed Jacket
One of my favorite blogs, Heavy Tweed Jacket, has a habit of long hiatuses wherein he takes down his content…
December 24, 2011
Fred Astaire On The Ivy League Look
The unpadded shoulders, the three-buttoned long and boxy coat, the too-short, thin pants, and the thin ties with striped buttoned…
December 23, 2011
EBay Round Up
Assuming you’re not all spent out from holiday shopping, here are some eBay auctions we’ve been looking at. To find…
December 22, 2011
What A Sweater Is
tumblr_lwgvxsNcr81qz88ob daveshumka: I’m doing a holiday special for CBC Radio 3. It airs on cbcradio3.com on Christmas Day at 5pm…
December 21, 2011
Stars Of David
Our friend Tawd Dorenfeld directed our Lyndon Johnson video for season one. This holiday season, he has a new project:…