July 23, 2012
Grey And Tan
Some colors will always look good together – a rich navy with mid-grey; a chocolate brown with racing green; or…
July 23, 2012
Put This On’s Inside Track For The Week Of July 23rd – July 29th
Here are our hand-selected favorites from eBay for this week. If you’re a member of the Inside Track, click through,…
July 22, 2012
Andrew Lock Shoes: Quality At $250 A Pop
We got an email this week from Andrew Lock, a forum acquaintance who’s apparently been working behind the scenes to…
July 20, 2012
EBay Roundup
Some really great items today. I particularly like the Drakes navy knit tie, Tiffany corkscrew, and Barbour International. If you think that Barbour is…
July 19, 2012
StyleSeek & The Rights Of Creators
I got an upsetting email the other day from a fellow menswear blogger. He’d found himself a beta user of…
July 19, 2012
The Seven-Shoe Wardrobe
The longer I write about men’s clothing, the more disinclined I am to say what men should own. There’s tremendous…
July 18, 2012
What To Do If You Feet Are Always Getting Cut Up By Broken Glass And Stuff Every Time You Go Outside
As you know, we here at Put This On are super-passionate about tips & tricks. If you can’t solve problems…
July 18, 2012
(Masterful) Pattern Coordination
The latest episode of our second season, titled “Eccentric Style”, comes at a good time for me. I’ve been wanting…
July 17, 2012
Put This On Season Two, Episode 4: Eccentric Style
Put This On, a web series about dressing like a grownup, visits London, where we visit with a few of…
July 17, 2012
EBay Roundup
If you happen to be in New York City, a good friend of mine is holding a secondhand pop-up shop…
July 16, 2012
Ralph Lauren, 1970
voxsart: Ralph Lauren, 1970. By Jack Robinson. Olympic berets or no, Ralph Lauren is an American treasure. Keeping it classic…
July 16, 2012
This J Crew Sale Is Certainly Worth Mentioning
Not to turn this site into just about sales, but this J Crew sale is certainly worth mentioning. An additional…