February 23, 2011
Ron Guidry Is Yogi Berra’s Valet, And It Is Awesome
Ron Guidry is Yogi Berra’s valet, and it is awesome.
February 22, 2011
What Is A Gentleman, Really?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hA-7dxh54SU Derrick Comedy answer the Big Question in this scene from their hilarious movie Mystery Team. (Source: http://www.youtube.com/)
February 22, 2011
I’m Jealous That We’ve Never Shot Any Put This On Episodes In 3D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exm981pbrJg Now I’m jealous that we’ve never shot any Put This On episodes in 3D. Adam: WHERE ARE YOUR PRIORITIES?!…
February 21, 2011
That Girl In The Middle Looks Nervous And Shifty
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXn50Ajf0O4 dieworkwear: That girl in the middle looks nervous and shifty. Methinks she got that black trench at a cheap…
February 21, 2011
A Great Umbrella Option Roundup At Die Workwear
A great umbrella option roundup at Die Workwear
February 21, 2011
The Gun Guy Came In, And Opened Up His Case.
The gun guy came in, and opened up his case. Inside, a huge machine gun. Everyone took half a step…
February 21, 2011
A Guy At The Flea Market Yesterday Had One Of These In His Case
A guy at the flea market yesterday had one of these in his case. I tried it on. He wanted…
February 21, 2011
This Scene From The Documentary The September Issue
It was when I saw this scene from the great documentary The September Issue that I decided Andre Leon Talley…
February 21, 2011
Reblogs Are Not A License For Your Outfit To Look Like Five Different Browser Tabs Being Opened At Once
Reblogs are not a license for your outfit to look like five different browser tabs being opened at once. Die…
February 21, 2011
Oscar De La Renta, Looking Like A Million Dollars
Oscar de la Renta, looking like a million dollars backstage at Fashion Week in New York. So rare to see…
February 21, 2011
Buckshot Brogues
howtotalktogirlsatparties: I have a pair. Favorite shoes. Almost bought some slip-ons from UK eBay, got scared they might not fit….
February 21, 2011
It’s On EBay – Joseph Cheaney Shoes – Sz 11 ½ / 12 US
Still preparing to move, and I bit the bullet and listed the Cheaneys that were featured in Episode Two. Unfortunately…
February 20, 2011
Rules For My Unborn Child
#6,322: Don’t read the words in Dwell Magazine. They will only upset you. (with apologies to Walker Lamond)
February 20, 2011
When Going To See A Big Name Orchestra, What Is Usually Appropriate Attire? Would A Pair Of Chinos,dress Shirt,tie,and Blue Blazer Cut It?
Generally speaking, black tie for openings, or white tie if you have it and it’s a big city and you’re…