November 23, 2009
Jack Doneghy: Man Of Taste
Note the peaked lapels. Jack Doneghy: man of taste. (Despite his predilection for buttoning the bottom button of suit jackets.)…
November 23, 2009
PC Mag’s Top Blogs Of 2009 (thanks For Including Us, And Nerd Boyfriend!)
PC Mag’s Top Blogs of 2009 (thanks for including us, and Nerd Boyfriend!)
November 23, 2009
It’s On Sale
I haven’t handled Martin + Osa cashmere, but for $59 in 19 colors, it’s a heckuva deal. Gray, navy and…
November 23, 2009
All I Want For Christmas: Paul F. Tompkins
Today we inaugurate a new series on PutThisOn.com – All I Want For Christmas. Some of our favorite men will…
November 23, 2009
All I Want For Christmas: Will Boehlke Of A Suitable Wardrobe
In this continuing series, we ask men we like what they wish they could get for Christmas. Will Boehlke is…
November 22, 2009
Ron Orp On Put This On
Sure, we think we’re great, but when Ron Orp confirms it, it makes us feel like special gems. But let…
November 21, 2009
RipTFusion: Spanx For Dudes?
RipTFusion: Spanx for dudes? Pal of PTO Jim Ray wrote a piece for MSNBC.com’s health and fitness blog Does It…
November 21, 2009
It’s On Ebay: Silver Frog Cufflinks By Mappin & Webb. LOVE Them.
Currently about $6, ends early tomorrow morning.
November 21, 2009
Jeeves Disapproves
Jeeves Disapproves “These are for repair, and these… for discarding.” “Wait a second… this white mess jacket is brand new!”…
November 20, 2009
“My New Favorite Pants”
When our friend Rian Johnson talks, we listen. He tells us these herringbone wool work pants from Dunderdon are his…
November 19, 2009
Q And Answer: What To Wear In College?
Sam writes: Having (relatively) recently graduated high school, I have decided that I have crossed the threshold into adulthood, and…
November 19, 2009
Clothes For The Differently-bodied Man
We get quite a bit of mail from men of unconventional stature asking us where to go and what to…
November 19, 2009
It’s On Ebay! 1946 Breitling Chronograph In 18K Gold
Damn, this is a beautiful watch. Sitting at $2650, and it’s only going up. Ends tonight.
November 19, 2009
Randy Newman
(via nerdboyfriend) Randy Newman. You think you know, but you have no idea.