Trent over at Survival of the Fittist posted about this denim jacket a few days ago. And while it’s a nice jacket, what makes it even more impressive is that he constructed the jacket himself from a thrifted pair of selvedge denim jeans:
I’m really glad I undertook this mission. First, I don’t know how many people can say they’ve made a pair of pants into a jacket. Second, it helped boost my confidence to undertake more sewing projects that aren’t strictly alterations.
Granted, not everyone can go out and make their own denim jacket and Trent’s been altering his own clothing for quite a while – see his Meatball Tailoring posts – but it’s really refreshing to see people creating clothing on their own for their own enjoyment. Given how much time and copy is spent talking about things you can buy, I think it’s something really special when you see a do-it-yourself project like this.