Assuming you’re not all spent out from holiday shopping, here are some eBay auctions we’ve been looking at.
To find even more items, use our customized search links for excellent suits, good suits, and handsome footwear. These will help you cut through the chaff on eBay and narrow things down to a more manageable size.
Suits, sport coats, and blazers
Shirts and pants
Sweaters and knits
- Various pocket squares
- Bill Amberg 15" laptop sleeve
- Gentleman’s Guide to Grooming and Style
- Versace Medusa pocket square
- Pigskin tie case
- Ferragamo pocket calendar
- Smythson travel document holder
- Smythson travel organizer
- Pratesi tie case
* Special double thanks to Kenn, one for sending me some links today, and another for sending me some links last Tuesday (I had forgotten to take note in my post, which kind of makes me feel like a jerk).