Check out some of the stuff we found on eBay over the weekend. If you’d like to find more menswear related auctions, try using our customized search links. They’ll help you narrow in on high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear.
Suits, sport coats, and blazers
- Navy deck jackets, various sizes
- Gant Rugger barn coat, XS
- Barbour Longshoreman coat, S
- Safari jacket, S
- Channel quilted coat, M
- Barbour Motor Riding jacket, M
- Vintage short tan jacket, 40
- Blue indigo work jacket, M
- Red Nanamica jacket, L
- RRL corduroy trucker jacket, L
- Barbour x To Ki To belted motorcycle jacket, L
- Barbour x To Ki To bicycle jacket, L
- B-15 flight jackets, M and L
- Vintage 1950s Levis denim jacket, 42
- RRL deck jacket, XXL
Sweaters and knits
Shirts and pants
- Blue plaid shirt, S (listed as medium, but prob fits small)
- Red horsey shirt, S
- White plaid shirt, M
- Dotted blue shirt, M
- Vintage motorcycle club t-shirt, M
- Brown plaid shirt, L (1, 2)
- Blue floral shirt, L (1, 2)
- Vintage plaid shirt, XL
- Rising Sun jeans, 28
- 45rpm jeans, 31
- OrSlow jeans, 32
- Green chinos, 34
- Tan linen Rubinacci trousers, 34
- White Left Field chinos, 36
- Ghurka Rubinacci shorts, 38
- White cotton/ linen pants, 38
- Common Projects Achilles Lows, 7
- Rubinacci bow loafers, 7
- Russell Moccasin boots, 7
- Alden shell cordovan shortwings, 8
- Red Wing engineer boots, 8
- Mark McNairy blue suede wingtip boots, 8.5
- Ralph Lauren suede bluchers, 9
- Alden shell cordovan plain toe bluchers, 9.5
- Maison Martin Margiela GATs, 9.5
- Quoddy moc toe chukkas, 9.5
- Alden shell cordovan plain toe bluchers, 10
- Brooks Brothers cap toe bluchers, 10
- Brooks Brothers wellingtons, 10
- John Lobb cap toe boots, 10
- Belgian Shoes kiltie loafers, 10
- Alden horsebit loafers, 10.5
- Alden shell cordovan chukkas, 10.5
- Red Wing work boots, 10.5
- Common Projects bball shoes, 11
- Crockett & Jones wingtip boots, 11
- Edward Green split toe bluchers, 11 (pictured above)
- Maison Martin Margiela high top GATs, 11 (Black, White)
- Rubinacci suede bow loafers, 11
- John Lobb penny loafers, 12
Bags, briefcases, and wallets
- Black slide buckle belt strap, 32
- Navy braided cotton belt, 38
- Old lamps
- Scarves (1, 2, 3)
- Black Sulka belt strap, 36
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