Check out the stuff Jesse, Pete, and I found on eBay over the weekend. To dig up more menswear related auctions, try using our customized search links. They’ll help you hone-in on high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear.
Suits, sport coats, and blazers
- Valstar A-2, various sizes
- Shawl collar denim jacket, XS
- (Women’s) shawl collar Indian pattern jacket, S (pictured above)
- Patchwork jacket, S
- Shawl collar denim jacket, 40
- Denim chore coat, M
- Nigel Cabourn Everest parka, 38 (fits 40 or 42)
- Nigel Cabourn Aircraft jacket, L
- Plaid Black Fleece jacket, L
- Swedish Army jacket, 42
- Black chore coat, 42
- Nigel Cabourn x Eddie Bauer clip jacket, 44
- Norfolk jacket, 46
Sweaters and knits
Shirts and pants
- Funky Engineered Garments shirt, S
- J. Crew denim shirt, S
- Funky Orslow print shirt, M
- Hawaiian shirts, M (1, 2)
- Hawaiian shirt, L
- Hawaiian shirt, XL
- Quoddy moc toe boots, 7
- Viberg service boots, 7D
- Suede Church’s chukkas, 7
- Suede Alfred Sargent chukkas, 8
- Tan suede Crockett & Jones penny loafers, 8.5
- John Lobb penny loafers, 8.5
- Tan Quoddy mocs, 9
- Suede John Lobb single monkstraps, 9
- Red Wing work boots, 9
- Crockett & Jones cap toe boots, 9
- John Lobb brown bluchers, 9.5
- Suede Edward Green penny loafers, 10
- Edward Green split toe blucher, 10.5
- Herring side zip boots, 10.5
- Gaziano & Girling LazyMan oxfords, 10.5
- Cream Made in USA Chuck Taylors, 11
- Carmina u-cap balmoral boots, 11
- Common Projects basketball sneakers, 11.5
- Suede Crockett & Jones chukkas, 12
- Peal & Co plain toe blucher, 12
- Blue striped knit tie
- Striped Brooks Brothers raw silk tie
- Grenadine tie
- Green striped tie
- Brown striped tie
- Green Tussah tie
- Arnys fan tie motif tie
- Stag tie
Bags, briefcases, and wallets
- Pocket squares (1, 2, 3, 4)
- Holland & Holland scarf
- Shoehorn
- Life jacket
- Candle holders
- Eyewear frames
- Ball cap, 7 3/8
- Swim shirt and shorts (M, L)
- Surf print robe?, XL
- Red smoking jacket, L
- Cufflinks
- Suspenders (1, 2)
- Funky furry hat
- Men in Style
- Shield
- Clock
- Radio
- Eagle sculpture
- Coverlet
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