Check out these auctions Jesse found on eBay over the weekend. As always, if you’d like to find more, you can use our customized search links for high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear.
Suits, sport coats, and blazers
- Alan Flusser striped suit, 36
- J Press herringbone suit, 38
- Gieves & Hawkes green windowpane jacket, 38
- Ralph Lauren tan sport coat, 38
- Ralph Lauren herringbone tweed, 40
- Exploded check sport coat by Southwick, ~40-42 (pictured above)
- Brioni brown checked sport coat, 42
- Ralph Lauren herringbone check sport coat, 42L
- Blue suit by Brooks Brothers, 43
Sweaters and knits
Shirts and pants
- Brooks striped scarf
- Black Fleece clutch for women
- Tom Ford pocket squares
- Lock & Co Panama hat, 7 ¼
- Worth & Worth bronze hat, 7 1/8
- Cable Car Clothiers straw hat, M
- Derek Rose pajamas, L
- Detroit Tigers ballcap, 7 ¼
- “Little Nipper” flask
- Blue Borsalino straw hat, 7 3/8
- Alden suede belts, 36 (tan, brown)
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