Check out these great auctions Jesse and I found over the weekend. If you don’t see anything here that’s right for you, you can use our customized search links to find more high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear.
Suits, sport coats, and blazers
- Mackintosh jackets, various sizes
- Barbour hunting coat, 36
- Lost Worlds A1 jacket, 36
- Black bubble vest, S
- Waxed cotton parka, S
- Esemplare M65 style jacket, S/ M (pictured above)
- Albam yellow jacket, M
- Barbour International, 40
- Nigel Cabourn orange Surface jacket, 40
- Buzz Rickson A2 flight jacket, 40
- Barbour To Ki To jacket, L
- Holland & Holland tan coat, L
- Nigel Cabourn Aircraft jacket, 42
- Barbour quilted jacket, XL
- Aero A2 flight jacket, 48
Sweaters and knits
Shirts and pants
- Edward Green wingtips, 8.5
- Common Projects sneakers, 9
- Black pebble grain chukkas, 9
- LL Bean blucher mocs, 9
- Navy Superga sneakers, 9
- Alden shell chukkas, 9.5
- John Lobb double monks, 10.5
- Loake suede chukkas, 10.5
- RM Williams Chelseas, 10.5E
- Allen Edmonds split toes, 11B
- Edward Green black oxfords, 11
- Brown suede loafers, 11.5
Bags, briefcases, and wallets
- Travel clock
- Shaving razor case
- Drake’s scarf
- Baseball cap, 7 ¼
- Laurence Fellows drawing
- Brick flask
- Women’s Holland & Holland scarf
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