Check out these great menswear auctions we found on eBay. As usual, if you’d like to dig up more, you can always use our customized search links for high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear. To narrow things further, try using the filters on eBay’s site (I recommend filtering things down first by sizes).
Suits, sport coats, and blazers
- Barbour jackets, various sizes
- Barbour International, XXS
- Ralph Lauren suede bomber, XS (pictured above)
- Barbour Bedale, 36
- Quilted Barbour jacket, S
- Beams orange parka, S
- Green corduroy Golden Bear jacket, S
- Brown Barbour International, S
- Mackintosh Harrington, S
- Diamond quilted down Burberry jacket, S
- Cucinelli down vest, 40
- Black Burberry cafe racer, 40
- Barbour fishing jacket, M
- Belstaff Trialmaster, M
- Green Carhartt x Adam Kimmel hooded jacket, M
- Plaid goose down flannel shirt jacket, L
- Mackintosh raincoat, L
- Garbstore navy parka, L
- Eastman A2, 42
- Nigel Cabourn Aircraft jacket, L
- RRL flight jacket, L
- Bemidji Woolen Mills grey shirt jacket, L
- Barbour Bedale, 42
- Quilted Patrik Ervell jacket, XL
- Grey herringbone coat, 44
- Checked Abercrombie and Fitch coat, 44
- E. Tautz double breasted herringbone jacket 44
- Blanket lined Levis trucker jacket, 44L
Sweaters and knits
Shirts and pants
- Ralph Lauren penny loafers, various sizes
- Maison Martin Margiela GATs, 5.5
- Edward Green single monkstraps, 7
- Quoddy sheepskin lined boots, 9
- Ralph Lauren crepe soled kiltie boots, 9
- Wolverine work boots, 9
- Adidas gray suede Rod Lavers, 9
- Eastland tassel loafers, 9
- Quoddy moc toe bluchers, 9.5
- Johnston & Murphy shell cordovan tassel loafers, 10
- Various Wildsmith shoes, 10.5
- Ralph Lauren Chelsea boots, 11
- Alden suede loafers, (11, 11.5)
- Ralph Lauren alligator penny loafers, 11.5
- Paul Stuart tassel loafers, 11.5
- Common Projects black track sneakers, 12
- Edward Green tassel loafers, 13.5
- John Lobb cap toe boots, 13.5
- Rubinacci geometric tie
- Drake’s striped cashmere tie
- Rubinacci striped grenadine
- Southwick green jacquard
- Holland & Sherry dotted tie
- Rubinacci floral tie
- Purple knit tie
- J Press red paisley tie
- Brooks Brothers dotted tie
- Marinella and Drakes ties
- Drake’s blue foulard
- Drake’s green floral tie
- Ralph Lauren red paisley tie
- Red tartan tie (nice for Christmas)
- Blue Drake’s private label floral tie
- Burgundy striped Battistoni tie
- Drake’s striped grenadine
Bags, briefcases, and wallets
- Alligator belt, 32
- Drake’s pocket square
- Dressing gown, ~M
- Silver jacket buttons
- Tweed
- Brown dress belt, 41
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