Favorite items today include this brown herringbone linen suit, vintage smock, and these bespoke trousers from the Neapolitan tailor Salvatore Ambrosi.
If you’d like to find more menswear related auctions on eBay, try using our customized search links. They’ll help you narrow in on high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear.
Suits, sport coats, and blazers
- Herringbone linen suit, 40
- Brown herringbone sport coat, 40
- Brown checked tweed, 40
- Grey glen plaid tweed, 40
- Cream dinner jacket, 40
- Blue windowpane sport coat, 42
- Brown cashmere sport coat, 42
- Grey herringbone tweed, 44
- Brown windowpane sport coat, 44
- Brown linen sport coat, 44
- Checked cashmere sport coat, 44
- Brown striped tweed, 44
- Brown windowpane sport coat, 46
- Striped blue suit, 50
- Vintage Shriner jacket, size?
- Vintage A-2, 38
- Hudson Bay blanket coat, S
- Vintage denim jacket, S
- Nigel Cabourn Cameraman jackets, 38 (1, 2)
- Nigel Cabourn jacket, 40
- Tan raincoat, 40
- Tiger camo jacket, M
- Tweed topcoat, 42
- Vintage red checked jacket, L
- Yellow plaid shirt jacket, L
- Vintage baseball jacket, 42
- Tan Loden coat, 42
- Leather A-2, L
- Burnt orange down vest, XL
- Vintage smock, XL (pictured above)
- Green mac raincoat, XXL (pictured above)
- Navy double breasted overcoat, XXL
- Green belted coat, XXL
Sweaters and knits
- Vintage lettered cardigan, XXS
- Green Fair Isle sweater vest, S
- Vintage reindeer sweater, 38
- Jaeger brown v-neck sweater, 38
- Inis Meain v-neck sweater, M
- Sak’s tan v-neck sweater, 40
- Berk brown v-neck sweater, L
- SNS Herning navy/gray sweater, L
- Inis Meain tan Donegal sweater, L
- LL Bean Norwegian sweater, L
- Sak’s beige v-neck sweater, XL
- Cesare Attolini tan v-neck sweater, XL
- Navy Submariner sweater, 42
- Loro Piana shawl collar cardigan, 52
Shirts and pants
- GATs, various sizes
- Vintage Desmond’s suede wholecuts, size?
- Heinrich Dinkelacker shell cordovan plain toe bluchers, 7.5
- Paraboot suede double monkstraps, 8.5
- Diego Piacentini chukkas, 9
- Alden shell cordovan austerity brogues, 9
- Ralph Lauren shell cordovan shortwings, 9 (pictured above)
- Belgian bow loafers, 10
Bags, briefcases, and wallets
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