Included in today’s roundup are these Drake’s ties, which I’m guessing are much nicer than the pictures might lead you to believe. For example, I suspect this auction is for this dotted raw silk tie on Drake’s site, and this is for one of Drake’s standard untipped grenadines. Might be good to take a closer look at those auctions if you’re interested in getting Drake’s ties at sale prices.
If you’d like to find more items, you can always search eBay using our customized search links. They’ll help you find high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear.
- Rust colored Barbour jacket, 36
- Barbour Bedale, 36
- Ralph Lauren wool raincoat, 36
- Belstaff motorcycle jacket, S
- Barbour Corbridge jacket, S
- RRL hunting jacket, S
- Barbour quilted suede jacket, S
- Mackintosh brown raincoat, 38
- Brooks black watch jacket, S
- Barbour International, S
- Green quilted jacket, S
- Crescent Down Works blue vest, S
- Brown plaid Pendleton jacket, M
- Belstaff Roadmaster, M
- Batten red parka, M
- Burgundy letterman jacket, M
- Aquascutum navy coat, 40
- Black horsehide jacket, ~L
- John Partridge green waxed jacket, L
- Brooks Brothers brown coat, L
- Invertere green field coat, 42
- Wings + Horns hooded jacket, L
- Engineered Garments parka, L
- Corduroy ranch jacket, L
- Faconnable field jacket, L
- Nigel Cabourn beige jacket, L
- Engineered Garments canvas jacket, L
- Levis varsity jacket, L
- Barbour x To Ki To beige jacket, L
- Engineered Garments Bedford jacket, XL
- John Partridge duffle coat, XL
- Barbour International jacket, 46
- New & Lingwood oxford punch caps, 9
- Common Projects sneakers, (9, 10)
- Alden shell cordovan fullstrap loafers, 10AA
- Alden shell cordovan plain toe boots, 10.5
- Edward Green balmoral boots, 10.5
- Holland and Holland pebbled bluchers, 11
- Paul Stuart ivory suede shoes, 11.5
- Crockett & Jones oxford punch caps, 12
- Crockett & Jones suede cap toe oxfords, 13
- Black watch scarf
- Hackett surcingle belt, 38
- Andersons braided belt, 38
- Walking stick
- Painting of a dog
- Esquire’s Encyclopedia
- Oliver Peoples glasses
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