Jesse found some really nice Holland & Holland and Drake’s pocket squares this week, two of which are pictured above. If you’d like to find more auctions, try using our customized search links for high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear. You can narrow those searches further by fiddling with the sizing filters on eBay’s site.
Suits, sport coats, and blazers
Sweaters and knits
Shirts and pants
- Martegani shell oxfords, 8.5
- LL Bean boots, 9 (1, 2)
- McNairy suede shoes (green 9, blue 9.5, tan 10, brown 10)
- Alden shell cordovan penny loafers, 9
- Ferragamo brown cap toe oxfords, 9
- Alden shell cordovan brogues, 9
- Ralph Lauren suede slippers, 9.5
- Alden suede derbys, 9.5
- Alfred Sargent shell wingtips, 9.5
- John Lobb jodhpurs, 10
- Edward Green tassel loafers (black 10.5, brown 11.5)
- Yuketen ranger mocs, 11
- Albam x Quoddy deck shoes, 11
- Ralph Lauren shell cordovan derbys, 11.5
- Trickers black jodhpurs, 13
- Belgian loafers, 13
Bags, briefcases, and wallets
- J Press striped socks
- Holland & Holland and Drake’s pocket squares (pictured above)
- A pair of nice cufflinks
- Ralph Lauren braided braces
- Kent Wang pocket squares
- No show socks
- Anderson & Sheppard book, A Style is Born
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