Quite a few items today caught my eye, including a navy shaggy dog sweater, madras shirt, and pair of shell cordovan loafers. If you’d like to dig up more amazing finds on eBay, use our custom search links for high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear.
Suits, sport coats, and blazers
- Gieves and Hawkes sweater, S
- Pendleton shirt, M
- J Press shaggy dog sweater, L
- J Crew striped sweaters, L (1, 2)
- Holland & Holland navy turtleneck, XL
Shirts and pants
- Lee Kee wingtips, 7.5
- Two pairs of vintage oxfords, 7.5
- Edwin Clapp spectators, 8.5B
- Florsheim black suede shoes, 8.5
- Allen Edmonds shell cordovan chukkas, 9
- Ralph Lauren shell loafers, 9
- Suede Santoni shoes, 10
- Crockett and Jones boots, 10
- John Lobb brown oxfords, 11
- Vass black brogues, 11.5
- John Lobb black oxfords, 12
Bags and briefcases
- Herbert Johnson Panama hat, 7 ¼
- Corkscrew with a boar’s tusk
- Shagreen box
- Surcingle belts, 42
- G. Lorenzi wood bowl
- SAB umbrella
- Herbert Johnsons felted hat, 7 ¼
- Derek Rose bathrobe, L
- Derek Rose pajamas, XXL
- Martin Greenfield MTM suit gift certificate
- Derek Rose dressing gown, M
- Mid-century drinks bar
- Dunhill pipe
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