There are some really nice deals in the outerwear, shoes, and neckwear sections today. This Brooks Brothers suede bomber, for example, seems particularly well priced, and I think these Vass shoes and this navy knit tie are really nice. Additionally, our friend Giuseppe at An Affordable Wardrobe has a full morning suit someone might be interested for a daytime wedding. You can check that out here.
If you’d like to find more deals on eBay, try using our customized search links for high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear. They’ve been made to help you pull up only the more reliable brands.
Suits, sport coats, and blazers
- Peacoats, various sizes
- Rogers Peet grey coat, 37
- Barbour green waxed cotton jacket, 38
- Orvis blue suede bomber, S
- Levis x Filson trucker jacket, M and L
- Belvest golden brown coat, 40
- Brooks suede bomber, M
- Levis for Brooks denim jacket, M
- Barbour navy jacket, M
- Brooks Brothers navy coat, 40
- Barbour International, 42
- Nigel Cabourn Aircraft jacket, 42
- Navy Belstaff Roadmaster, L (pictured above)
- Barbour wool International, 44 (better pictures here)
- Engineered Garments belted jacket, XL
- Vass shoes, various sizes
- Andrew Lock shoes, various sizes
- Quoddy brown boots, 8
- Alfred Sargent double monks, 8.5
- Crockett and Jones wingtips, 8.5
- Crockett and Jones brown oxfords, 9
- Black Belgian loafers, 10
- Grenson suede wingtips, 10.5
- Crockett and Jones suede loafers, 10.5
- Oak Street navy boots, 10.5
- Oak Street beefroll loafers, 10.5
- Alden shell chukkas, 11
- Meermin double monks, 11.5
- Alden shell loafers, 13
- SAB briefcase
- Hard briefcases (Hartmann, SAB)
- Canvas bag
- Filson canvas briefcase
- Brooks Brothers red scarf
- Bastian “ski” belt, 34
- Brooks Brothers brown belt, 34
- Shoehorn
- Sulka dressing gown, L
- Stowa pilot watch
- Derek Rose sleepwear, various sizes
- Nigel Cabourn scarf
- Tanner Goods brown belt, 34
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