Today’s roundup was put together with help from our friend the RJcat. My favorites include this yellow Mackintosh rain jacket, Swaine Adeney & Brigg document case, and this big lot of Drake’s and E. Marinella ties.
If you’d like to find more items, try using our customized search links for high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear. You can narrow those searches further by using eBay’s filters on the left hand side of their page.
- Gieves & Hawkes double breasted blazer, 38
- RLPL corduroy suit, 40
- Tan herringbone jacket, 40
- Chester Barrie brown checked suit, 40
- Tan blazer, 40
- Ralph Lauren striped suit, 41L
- Belvest blue suit, 42
- Greenish-brown tweed, 42
- Kiton brown check jacket, 42
- Chester Barrie brown checked sport coat, 44
- Huntsman grey three-piece suit, 44
- Gant Rugger plaid shirt, XS
- Black Fleece t-shirt, S
- Emma Willis pink gingham shirt, 16
- Borrelli blue striped shirt, 16
- Finamore light blue gingham shirt, 16
- Black Fleece chinos, various sizes
- Sid Mashburn blue trousers, 30 (note, fits very slim)
- Incotex Chinolino, 30
- Ralph Lauren flannel trousers, 34
- Ralph Lauren flannel trousers, 36
- Kiton charcoal trousers, 36
- Fallan & Harvey grey pants, 38
- Old Sierra Designs catalog
- Old tailoring posters
- Baseball caps, various sizes
- Asprey cufflinks
- Tusting black portfolio
- Worth & Worth hat, 7 1/8
- Borsalino blue straw hat, 7 3/8
- Swaine Adeney & Brigg document case
- Playing cards
- Red Sulka pocket square
- Swaine Adeney belt, 32
- Balls (Marcus’, Nick’s)
- Cricket
- Naval traditions
- Checked cap, 7 ¼
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