We found some great shoes on eBay over the weekend, such as these Edward Green oxfords, black Simpson of Piccadilly boots, and Ralph Lauren shell cordovan penny loafers.
If you’d like to find more menswear related auctions, try using our customized search links. They can help you narrow in on high-end suits, good suits, high-quality shirts and fine footwear.
Suits, sport coats, and blazers
- Tan corduroy sport coat, 40
- Checked Chester Barrie sport coat, 40
- Green madras sport coat, 40
- Tan Ralph Lauren sport coat, 42
- Brown herringbone tweed, 42
- Belted tweed sport coat, 42
- Barbour Bedale, 34
- RRL moto jacket, XS
- Filson hunting coat, S
- Engineered Garments double breasted jacket, S
- Barbour Bedale, 38 (1, 2)
- Dehen varsity jacket, S
- Blue double breasted coat, 40
- Iron Heart shirt jacket, M
- Red plaid shirt jacket, L
- Checked tweed overcoat, L
- Orange smock, L
- Black bomber jacket, 42
- Navy overcoat, 44
- Tan double breasted coat, 44
- Good Wear Leather bomber jacket, 46
Sweaters and knits
- Merz b Schwanen sweatshirt, M
- Ralph Lauren tartan sweater, M
- Johnstons grey sweater, 42
- Real McCoys hooded sweatshirt, L
- Harvard cardigan, L
- Brooks Brothers v-neck sweater, L
- Ralph Lauren Fair Isle sweater, L
- Ralph Lauren Fair Isle sweater, XXL
- Ralph Lauren Nordic sweater, XXL
Shirts and pants
- Alden shell cordovan chukkas, 6
- Common Projects Achilles Mids, 6
- JM Weston penny loafers, 7
- Margiela gray GATs, 7
- Alfred Sargent double monkstraps, 7.5
- Crockett & Jones shortwings, 8
- Crockett & Jones semi-brogues, 8.5
- Grenson plain toe bluchers, 8.5
- Margiela GATs, 8.5
- Ralph Lauren shell cordovan penny loafers, 8.5
- Ludwig Reiter shortwings, 9
- Ralph Lauren black boots, 9
- Alden shell cordovan Indy boots, 9.5
- Ralph Lauren cap toe boots, 9.5
- Alden shell cordovan tassel loafers, 10
- Alden shell cordovan wingtip boots, 10
- Brooks Brothers shortwings, 10
- Edward Green semi-brogues, 10
- Ludwig Reiter shortwings, 10
- Ralph Lauren cookie boots, 10
- Simpson of Piccadilly cap toe boots, 10
- Crockett & Jones suede chukkas, 10.5
- Crockett & Jones wingtip boots, 10.5
- Edward Green oxford punch caps, 10.5 (pictured above)
- Le Cordonnerie Anglaise suede driving mocs, 10.5
- Brooks Brothers moc toe chukkas, 11
- Converse x Nigel Cabourn high top Chuck Taylors, 11
- Margiela GATs, 11
- Stuart’s Choice jodhpur boots, 11
- Holland & Holland quarter brogues, 11.5
- Margiela GATs, 11.5
- Allen Edmonds cap toe oxfords, 12
- Gieves & Hawkes buckshot Chelsea boots, 12.5
- Blue knit tie
- Blue/ grey checked tie
- Green grenadine tie
- Bicolor knit tie
- Spotted brown knit tie (1, 2)
- Green Charvet tie
- Arnys floral tie
- Argyle Sutherland tie
- Brown silk-linen tie
- Brown Donegal tie
- Red tie
- Blue paisley tie
- Black/ white paisley tie (can be narrowed at Tie Crafters)
Bags, briefcases, and wallets
- Bill Amberg bag
- Bottega Veneta briefcase
- Whitehouse Cox travel wallet
- North Face backpack
- Brady Sutherland bag
- Free & Easy magazines
- Black Homburg, 7
- Brown fedora, size?
- Adam’s Illustrated Panorama of History Lithograph
- Art Deco cufflinks
- Apparel Arts issue
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