Happy Dad’s Day to all the dads, granddads, stepdads, father figures, and everyone else out there who helped raise a munchkin into, well, you, the person reading this. And we hope that you might want to send dad a token of your appreciation for all the skinned knees bandaged, piggy back rides given, and shaving lessons, so we set up a Gifts for Dads section over on the shop, with hot stuff like these white gold plate cufflinks, an Abercrombie hunting jacket before its mall days, and, of course, this dad-themed pocket square.
But we’d be remiss if we didn’t recommend the best gift of all for your dad- your time. Take some time to have a sit down (or schedule to do so if you don’t live nearby) and listen to what the man has to say. You’re never too old for some fatherly wisdom. Give him a hearty handshake and a hug. Share a cup of coffee, a beer, or a plate of chicken tenders, whatever floats your family’s boat, and be his munchkin again for a little while. He will appreciate it (but bringing along some Brooks Brothers longwings wouldn’t go unappreciated, either).