Below are twenty items. Ten are actual names for colors you’ll find on J. Crew’s website, which they used to describe things such as shirts and sweaters. The others are made-up items I pulled from Brooklyn Bar Menu Generator – a parody site poking fun at the absurdity of some craft bars nowadays.
Can you guess which are which?
First reader to guess all twenty correctly will get a big fat nothing from us. Also, the answers are at the bottom of this post, so don’t scroll down too far if you actually want to have fun with this.
- Watermelon
- Barbados cherry
- Winter hazelnut
- Dried fig
- Ripe melon
- Rustic artichoke
- Burnt acorn
- Surplus grass
- French peach
- Dark guava
- Warm cider
- Warm plum
- Natural kale
- Vintage cabernet
- Spearmint sprig
- Sunflower
- Sungold
- Homespun seaweed
- Distressed fennel
- Fresh water
(Answer: J. Crew colors are 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, and 20. The rest are fake bar items. Some things, such as watercress, were left out because they appeared on both sites.)