Every week, we share a special newsletter with a select group of PTO readers. It’s The Inside Track, and it features all kinds of special things and special deals.
First and foremost, The Inside Track’s got an extra-large eBay roundup that’s exclusive to members. That means not only have we found some of the most amazing deals on eBay for you, but you also don’t have to worry about competition from hundreds of thousands of PTO readers. Buy one thing a year and your membership’s paid for with savings.
Besides that, The Inside Track lists all the hottest sales, so you’re always up on how to save what in menswear without filling your email inbox with promos.
Best of all: when you sign up for The Inside Track now, you get the first month free. The Inside Track’s already a bargain – just five bucks a month (less if you sign up for longer). It already saves you money – buy one thing from our eBay roundup or from our sales listings and your subscriptions covered. Use the code SECRETCYBER and you’ll get five bucks off – enough to cover your entire first month. You can cancel whenever you want, but why would you when the saving’s rolling in?
Sign up today and start saving – and supporting your favorite menswear blog.