I can’t wait for summer to arrive. I’ve been a while since I’ve been able to wear a linen suit, but I was able to break mine out for a brief moment last week when temperatures climbed into the mid-80s. The best thing about linen is not that it wears cool (although, there’s that), but that it confers a nicely relaxed, slightly disheveled look. With so many men these days trying to take the edge off their suits with unbuckled double monks and slightly-too-long ties, it’s nice that a rumpled linen suit allows you too look casual without seeming affected. Consider it natural sprezzatura.
To wear a linen suit, pair it with casual shirts and accessories. I like striped blue shirts since they help add visual interest to what’s typically a solid-colored suit. Simple popovers and long-sleeved polos can also work for an even more casual look. For neckwear, choose something casual and textured, such as a slubby shauntung or a floppy knit tie. You can also forgo the tie altogether, but if you do, be sure to accessorize with a pocket square (I like cotton ones in this case, as silks can look too shiny for linen). Otherwise, without a tie or pocket square, your chest can look a little too empty.
(photo via voxsart)