One of my favorite ways to waste time is browsing through militaria and surplus shops online. These days, your average Army-Navy store doesn’t have much actual surplus, but there are still some shops on the web which cater to enthusiasts and sell both actual old stuff and careful reproductions.
A few choice items I’ve run across lately (L to R, top to bottom), besides my old favorites, Gurkha shorts:
- The original trench coat. Developed for the Boer War, worn through the middle of the 20th Century. $298.
- UK P14 Large Pack. A mid-century style backpack. $45.
- UK army plimsolls. Made by the same company that made them for the Indian army into the 1990s. Clearly the basis for Nigel Cabourn’s collaboration with Converse. $35.
- Australian Pattern WWII Drill Trousers. Love that butt pocket flap. $45.
- German Afrika Korps Cap. Not sure about the morality of wearing WWII German reproductions, even without insignia, but a very cool design. $14.95.
- US Navy WWII Summer Hat. These are actually original and unissued. $19.95