Our thanks to Time’s NewsFeed for including us in their roundup of “30 Must-See Tumblr Blogs!”
As producers Jesse Thorn and Adam Lisagor say, Put This On is “a Web series about dressing like a grownup.” More specifically, it’s about men dressing like grownups. In the men’s-fashion world, it’s tough to find advice that’s practical and smart, because the general pool from which to choose is far smaller than in the women’s-fashion online world.
This isn’t to lessen the impact of Put This On — it would stand out even in a sea of men’s-fashion blogs. Put This On features high-end wares found at reasonable prices and provides easy-to-use guides on how men can make what they wear part of who they are. Thorn and Lisagor employ a variety of methods — link aggregation, videos, narratives, Q&As — to offer information to men who want to dress well and be sophisticated without a lot of hassle and without being talked down to as if they’ve never worn clothes before.