We get tons of fan mail for our weekly eBay roundups. Often, though, that fan mail comes with an edge: “why are you blowing up my spot?!” people wail. People want our picks, but they don’t want them to be public.
That’s why we’ve created The Put This On Inside Track. It’s an exclusive email list, with a weekly set of eBay picks that nobody else gets to see. It’s not quite a private curation just for you, but it’s as close as you’re likely to get. Every week, we send you picks that you won’t find anywhere else. Plus we throw in some cool sales and so forth when we hear about them.
The Inside Track is the first of two projects we’ll be pursuing using a cool new platform called Member.ly. It’s where our webmaster, the brilliant David Cole, works, and it’s an easy way to build subscriptions, virtual or material. (Hint: this one’s virtual, but the other one ain’t.)
It should be mentioned, by the way, that The Inside Track will be offered in addition to our regular twice-weekly roundup here on the website. Nothing’s going away.
So: if you want the inside track, sign up today. The whole thing only costs five bucks a month, and we’re sending out the first list at the start of October. It’s a bargain, even if you only bid once every couple months. And hey, you can always just look at it as payment for all that money you saved bidding on our Roundup picks ;).
Join The Put This On Inside Track now.