We make no bones about being big fans of the inimitable G Bruce Boyer, menswear author extraordinaire. He’s one of the wisest sages out there, and his commandments are worth memorizing. But in his latest book, True Style, he was given flak for starting it off on a chapter about ascots. When he spoke on Bullseye, he clarified by saying “I think I shouldn’t have said ‘ascots;’ I should’ve said ‘scarves.’ There’s something you can do with your neck instead of leaving it to hang out there while everything else is nicely upholstered. A nice scarf at the neck is wonderful.” We heartily agree.
Like a good necktie, scarves offer an additional chance to add color and bring an outfit together, but unlike a necktie, they actually do that thing clothing was invented for and keep you warm. A good silk scarf works great with topcoats and for formal events, while lambswool, cashmere, and angora-blend pieces are assured to protect your neck all winter long. Jauntily toss one over your shoulders or wrap it tight – there’s no wrong way to wear them.
As the winter days inch closer, we suggest checking out some of the scarves we’ve got in the Put This On Shop. Not only do we have some great vintage finds, but we’ve also made our own with vintage linen and antique boro cloth. So, as in many things, try to be like Boyer and get a scarf at the neck.