If you asked me what the single most classic item of American men’s clothing was, I’d have a pretty solid answer. The Brooks Brothers blazer.
Patch pockets. A three-roll-two: three brass buttons, with two showing. Undarted. Ready to go anywhere, anytime and to do it with grace.
The Brooks Brothers blazer is an American innovation. It’s the default choice for anyone who’s going somewhere where they want to look sharp but don’t want to wear a suit. Which is, of course, a classic American mode.
And they’re available to anyone! I don’t think I go five thrift store visits in a row without spotting one of these. I just took a look at eBay – you can grab one in almost any size for less than $100. Or you can stroll into any Brooks Brothers in the world and grab one brand new.
If gold buttons are too fuddy-duddy for you, have them replaced. It’s a $35 operation, including the buttons. Consider mother-of-pearl in white or gray, or silver, or enamel, or brown horn. Grab a cool vintage blazer button set from a flea market or eBay. Make it your own.
Get yourself one of these blazers. It will be the only item in your closet you truly wear until it’s worn out. It will have the same role in your wardrobe thirty years from now that it has today. It’s simple, easy to wear, and with a flourish (or the opposite) you can change its look for any situation.
You hear the word “classic” tossed around all too much in menswear circles, but the Brooks blazer is the real deal.