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June 28, 2022
Tie Died
In 2015, the leaders of the largest economies—US President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, among them—gathered at a…
June 22, 2022
Our Beloved Sponsors
Put This On wouldn’t be possible without the support of our sponsors. So, twice a month, we like to give…
June 1, 2022
Our Beloved Sponsors
Put This On wouldn’t be possible without the support of our sponsors. So, twice a month, we like to give…
May 20, 2022
Our Beloved Sponsors
Twice a month, we like to give our sponsors a shoutout. Doing so allows us to recognize them for their…
March 25, 2022
Fashioning Masculinities At The V&A Is Missing A Few Buttons
This spring marks the opening of a new men’s fashion exhibit at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the…
March 22, 2022
Our Beloved Sponsors
Spring is in the air, and the weather is about to get warmer. This week, many of our sponsors have…
February 1, 2022
Our Beloved Sponsors
Put This On wouldn’t be possible without the support of our sponsors. So, twice a month, we like to give…
January 1, 2022
Our Beloved Sponsors
2021 has been an incredibly challenging year for everyone, and we wouldn’t have been able to get through it without…
November 15, 2021
Paris Meridian: Arnys
The following is an excerpt from the newly released book Swan Songs: Souvenirs of Paris Elegance, a book about a…
November 8, 2021
Swan Songs: One Of The Best Books On Classic Men’s Style
About six years ago, I bought some kidskin gloves from Lavabre Cadet, one of the few boutique glovers left in…
September 18, 2021
Our Beloved Sponsors
As an independent menswear blog, we couldn’t be more thankful for our sponsors. They’re the reason why we’re able to…
August 17, 2021
How To Get A Good Pair Of Cowboy Boots
In the late 1960s, the United States was sharply divided in a culture war that Bruce Boyer once characterized as…
July 31, 2021
Our Beloved Sponsors
As an independent menswear blog, we couldn’t be more thankful for our sponsors. Their support allows us to keep bringing…
July 17, 2021
Our Beloved Sponsors
We’re incredibly thankful to have sponsors support our work. So, twice a month, we like to give them a special…
June 7, 2021
How To Dress For The Reopening
Seemingly against all odds, it looks like the United States will reopen by July 4th. Once again, we’ll be able…