A few years ago, I bought a coat on eBay from a seller whose stuff I’d perused a thousand times. He messaged me – “I work right next to your address. Want me to drop it off?” I agreed. The guy – his name is Jake Devine – turned out to be a Put This On reader, and when he showed up at my office door, we had a great conversation about menswear and the resale business.
A year or so ago, I got a text from him – “Hey, we’re opening a storefront. You should come by.” So I did, bought myself a necktie and met Jake’s partner Kelly Cousins. Their shop’s called Museo, on Sunset Boulvard in LA, and it’s a little treasure.
For years I’ve been frustrated that Southern California was without decent resale and second-hand menswear shops. There’s one in the Valley – run by a woman who was in Back to the Future – and there are a lot more Ed Hardy shirts than there are things I’d be interested in buying. The mere fact of a men’s consignment shop in LA felt thrilling.
Museo started as an eBay shop (it used to be called TheNewBeat). They still sell online, but they also have a nicely managed storefront near the Happy Foot – Sad Foot sign in Silverlake. The other day, I brought some clothes by for a consignment (they split the revenue 50/50, and pay the fees and shipping out of their half) and took a few pictures. There are racks in the front, as well as a few pinatas of great menswear designers. In the back’s a store room and an elaborate eBay setup (they wouldn’t let me photograph it – trade secrets).
If you live in Los Angeles, the store is well worth the visit. If you don’t, you can still shop online or check out the eBay shop – shipping is free.
2516 W. Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90026
M-W: By Appointment / Th-Sa: 12:00-8:00 / Su: 12:00-5:00