The cherry blossoms are out in full bloom this week and everyone is taking part in hanami (cherry blossom picnics). I visited Shukugawa, a river just outside of Kobe that’s famous for its blossom-lined banks. Throughout the day, the park was visited by high school kids, families, and of course, lots and lots of couples – all enjoying their picnics under the trees. Picnic style should always be comfortable and casual, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look good as well.

This man was sitting on a wall while his date went to fetch coffee. The light tones on his clothes felt bright and fresh – perfect for an outdoor breakfast. It’s still a little cold here in the mornings, so he wore a slightly thick sweater instead of a jacket. Underneath the sweater was a pink shirt, which presumably was choosen to match the blossoms.

I know our blog is about men’s style, but for those curious about this season’s trends for women, there are two things every girl in Kobe seems to be wearing. The first is a scarf tied around the neck (most made from silk, but all brightly colored and patterned). The second are lace-up ballet flats (always in black). The girl here was wearing both at once, but the combination worked because everything else was simple and understated: a denim jacket, t-shirt, and pair of simple black pants.

This man was standing near the river watching ducks. He was wearing a long-sleeved polo shirt, jeans that were cut-off near the ankles, and a pair of patterned slip-ons. I’ve been seeing these kinds of shoes everywhere recently, and the ankle-length pants with no socks combination still seems popular. A nice causal style that looks very good.

This guy was wisely hurrying along the river the claim a good picnic spot before the crowds came. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but smartened the look some with white leather sneakers and a soft sport coat. The jacket looks a lot like the kind people are wearing for travel at the moment – good for resisting wrinkles, like you might get at a picnic. Unlike regular sport coats, these can be easily rolled up and stored away in a bag when the weather turns warm in the afternoons. Pulling together a smart look for a picnic is tough, but this guy did it well.