Although I’m not usually one to trot out Apparel Arts illustrations and harp on the timelessness of classic men’s style, today I’ll do just that. Check out these three wonderful illustrations from the 1930s. Each and every one looks just as good now as it did then.
Take, for example, the man in the double breasted jacket. Imagine it being made from a cool fresco wool or heavy linen. Paired with linen Bermuda shorts, pique cotton polo, and navy canvas shoes, it looks quite smart. The man next to him, in the soft-red ribbed sweater, mid-grey shorts, and cream espadrilles, shows how a slightly more interesting color combination can be executed.
Fall is almost here, but we still have a month and a half of summer left. There’s still plenty of time to wear loafers without socks, shorts with cuffs, and linen trousers cut high without a break. Enjoy it while you can.