We’ve been so concerned with the Summer of White Tees lately that we’ve forgotten to highlight some of the summer delights that have poured into the Put This On Shop. Our hand-selected vintage cornucopia overfloeth, so if you haven’t looked lately, look now.
The above, top to bottom, left to right:
- A vintage tie rack (with rotating tie-shirt-suit combo instructions)
- A sterling-and-enamel pin with the flag of Sweden
- A silver shoe horn
- A basketball pin from the 60s
- A Worth & Worth Panama of exceptional quality
- A blue-and-white summer chapeau from Borsalino
- Spectacular copper-and-silver cufflinks from Mexico
- A Cape Cod souvenier lobster pan
- Two sailing medals from the 1960s
Sail over to PutThisOnShop.com for more treasures.