October 13, 2011
You Want Personal Style? You Got It Right Here.
I think that this guy, who goes by LabelKing on StyleForum, is just tremendous. His real name is Jeffrey something….
October 6, 2011
The Great European Ascot: Complete Do-It-Yourself Instructions For Americans
Great thing my mom got me at an estate sale, or greatest thing my mom got me at an estate…
September 27, 2010
Hiking Boots…
mostexerent: Via novh: There’s always been something powerfully appealing to me about this look. It’s a sort of Dustin Hoffman, “All…
December 30, 2009
“It Takes A Lot Of Looking To Find A Good-looking Slack.”
Wow. “That magic combination of fashion and quality,” indeed. (via Mark Frauenfelder)