May 3, 2010
It’s On EBay: Arrow Moccasins Trail Boot, Size 9.5-10
I have a pair of trail boots from Arrow. They’re wonderful. Starts at $59.99, ends Monday
April 28, 2010
Q And Answer: Suede And Water
Avi writes: I recently picked up a pair of Clarks Dessert Boots, of the Oakwood Suede variety. Continuing your recent…
April 2, 2010
It’s On EBay: Alden Indy Boots
These are a size 8, but note that they run about half a size big – so they’re a 7.5…
March 28, 2010
Alden Indy Boots. That’s What The F*&k Is Up.
suitsandboots: nickelcobalt: (via elegantslum) If I was about to die and I had one photo to leave you with, this…
March 14, 2010
A Taxonomy Of Boots From Japan’s Free & Easy
A taxonomy of boots from Japan’s Free & Easy magazine, via Sleevehead.
February 2, 2010
Q And Answer: Shoes In The Rain
Andrew writes: Here is my problem: Corporate casual dress code. Leather soled shoes. Rain. What is a good choice to…
January 22, 2010
It’s On Ebay Crazy Canvas / Wool Boots
Seriously: if you know anything about these crazy boots, tell me. They’re kind of hideous, kind of amazing, and I’m…
January 9, 2010
The proprietor of the (somewhat creepily-named) blog Fleshfoot is a man named Dave. Dave purchased a pair of natural-leather hobo…
January 6, 2010
Q And Answer: Dr. Martens
J.C. askes: I love my Doc Martens (classic black 8 holes)–they’re solid shoes, have lived through several moves, jobs, era’s…
December 18, 2009
Eight Days Of Style
Reader Lucy wrote to us to ask that we suggest eight super-basic, affordable Hanukkah gifts for her boyfriend “to replace…
December 16, 2009
Q And Answer: Paul Got Some New Boots And Asks:
I just got a new pair of “vintage” work boots and I’m wondering how I should go about maintaining them….