eBay Round Up
September 23, 2016
EBay Roundup
Great looking pair of shell cordovan penny loafers in today’s roundup (new and unused, and in Horween’s rarer cigar shell…
September 20, 2016
EBay Roundup
Great looking Eidos topcoat in today’s roundup (modeled by Eidos designer Antonio Ciongoli above). It’s a size 42, but could probably…
September 16, 2016
EBay Roundup
A couple of crazy items today, including this patchwork Kapital jacket (more photos here) and hedonistic Sulka dressing gown. Also, my…
September 13, 2016
EBay Roundup
Here’s a secret: many of our eBay finds these last few weeks have been from our new site assistant, Dan…
September 9, 2016
EBay Roundup
Big thanks to our pal the RJcat for contributing to today’s eBay roundup (among many other things, he found this…
September 6, 2016
EBay Roundup
Tons of great shoes in today’s roundup, including these Saint Crispin’s you see above (size down 1 to 1.5 sizes,…
September 2, 2016
EBay Roundup
Check out of the stuff Jesse, Pete, and I found on eBay this week. To dig up other great menswear…
August 30, 2016
EBay Roundup
Lots of favorites today – this Drake’s Fair Isle scarf (good BIN price), vintage buffalo plaid shirt, and Bottega Veneta money clip. Also it’s…
August 26, 2016
EBay Roundup
Many thanks to our pal the RJcat for helping out with today’s roundup. He found these Abbeyhorn accessories, which includes a…
August 23, 2016
EBay Roundup
Check out the great stuff Jesse, Pete, and I found on eBay over the weekend. To find other quality menswear…
August 16, 2016
EBay Roundup
Really dig this British military jacket in today’s roundup (pictured above). To find more great menswear auctions on eBay, try using our customized…
August 12, 2016
EBay Roundup
Tons of shoes in our eBay roundup today, but I particularly like our outerwear finds. Check out this green Casentino hunting…
August 9, 2016
EBay Roundup
Many thanks to our pal the RJcat for contributing to today’s roundup. To dig up more menswear gems on eBay, try…
August 5, 2016
EBay Roundup
Check out the stuff Jesse, Pete, and I found on eBay this week. To dig up more menswear gems on…
August 2, 2016
EBay Roundup
Lots of great, rugged outerwear finds in today’s eBay roundup – Kapital’s Ring coat, Nigel Cabourn’s Surface jacket, and The Real McCoy’s…