Eric Musgrave
June 29, 2016
My Favorite Thing: Eric Musgrave
My Favorite Thing is a column where Put This On asks stylish, interesting, and otherwise cool people to name their…
February 25, 2014
Bringing Back Fashion Illustration
“Illustration is an overlooked, if not forgotten, art form these days. An obsession with photography – digitally enhanced more often…
February 27, 2012
Robert Noble’s Gamekeeper Tweed
Above are samples of Robert Noble’s Gamekeeper tweed. I found them after reading Eric Musgrave’s post about Kathryn Sargent, and seeing the handsome…
July 19, 2011
The Perfect Suit
http://vimeo.com/26191974 Last night I watched the BBC documentary “The Perfect Suit.” It’s a breezy history of the men’s lounge suit….