August 31, 2017
Should You Use Cream Or Wax Polish For Shoes?
After Jesse’s post yesterday on how the US Navy is implementing new rules around shoes, one of our readers emailed…
November 4, 2015
How To Get The Smell Out Of Vintage Clothing
Sometimes authenticity can be a little too authentic. A few months ago, I bought a used double-rider off eBay, which…
September 26, 2013
Conditioning Leather Jackets
Folks who have read our blog for a while are probably familiar with the importance of treating leather shoes to…
September 2, 2013
Five Tips For Better Shoe Polishing
I spent a little bit of time this weekend polishing an old pair of chukkas of mine. Though their pebble…
July 3, 2013
What Shoe Care Products Should You Consider (Part Two)
Over the weekend, one of our readers asked us for our opinion on which shoe care products he should consider…
July 1, 2013
Q And Answer: What Shoe Care Products Should You Consider (Part One)
Lookyoungspeakold writes us to ask: I just watched the PTO episode on shoes and am now working on picking up some…
March 20, 2013
The Single Most Important Shoe Care Tip
I accepted some time ago that few people – including the people I know who are as interested in men’s…
March 7, 2012
Bulling Shoes
Every once in a while, I like to bull my shoes. Bulling refers to a shoe polishing technique that results…
February 8, 2012
Go Easy On The Wax
I recently bought a new pair of Crockett and Jones Belgraves from a seller I found online. I was able…