Lyndon Baines Johnson
February 8, 2011
Robert Caro On LBJ’s Dress
His clothes were dramatic, too. Although he owned blue suits, most of them didn’t look like those worn by other…
January 19, 2011
I Just Realized How Much I Miss LBJ
I just realized how much I miss LBJ. He moved to Washington but he was all Texas (country) and real….
January 17, 2011
In 1964, Lyndon Johnson Needed Pants
In 1964, Lyndon Johnson needed pants, so he called the Haggar clothing company and asked for some. The call was…
January 17, 2011
In 1964, Lyndon Johnson Needed Pants
In 1964, Lyndon Johnson needed pants, so he called the Haggar clothing company and asked for some. The call was…