Niyi in New York
December 7, 2016
Jeans You Can Actually Wear With Sport Coats
I don’t normally gush about specific products here, but Drake’s new line of jeans is worth mentioning. For decades now,…
July 1, 2014
Real People
Our friend Niyi in New York, a guy we often feature in our Real People series, recently showed up on…
April 21, 2014
Real People: Sport Coats With Jeans (Revisted)
StyleForum member Butler recently challenged other members to wear a sport coat with a pair of jeans and a tie….
April 7, 2014
Real People: Dressing Down A Suit
Open any men’s fashion magazine nowadays and you can read about the 101 ways to dress down a suit. The…
July 17, 2013
Real People: Bold Dressers
I consider myself a fairly conservative dresser, but I don’t think one has to dress conservatively in order to look…