September 14, 2013
Rudiments: Black Suits
Dave Hill explains how and when to wear a black suit, from our latest episode. You can watch the whole…
September 13, 2013
PTO Man: Pino Pipolli
Pino Pipolli is an artist, photographer and man-about-town. His style is composed, if slightly eccentric – you can spot a…
September 12, 2013
Put This On Place: 10 Corso Como
10 Corso Como is one of the most influential stores in the world… but it’s not just a place to…
September 11, 2013
Put This On: Consolidation (Milan)
Milan is one of the world’s great fashion capitals… but these days, it’s dominated by one megaconglomerate: Prada. How does…
September 9, 2013
Put This On Season 2, Episode 6: Consolidation
Gucci Gucci Louis Louis Fendi Fendi Prada… what happens when a hundred artisans’ shops become a few global megacompanies? We…
September 9, 2013
Put This On Season 2, Episode 6 Clothing Credits
Intro & Outro Suit: High Society Tailor (Fabric by Molloy & Sons)Tie: Saks 5thShirt: CEGO Custom ShirtsPocket Square: Put This…